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Important Notice
Dear Member:
As consolidation occurs, demographics change, and technology and security complexities continue to reshape the financial landscape, financial institutions need to adapt to new modern solutions. With this mandate, Woodmen Federal Credit Union recently contracted with VisiFI, a Deda Company, to provide our data processing services.
Deda’s global presence and deep banking expertise help financial institutions prioritize innovation and digital transformation. Marked by practicality, expertise, and a digital-first approach across industries and continents, Deda’s knowledge and vision allow practical solutions that work on a global scale, but can be tailored locally to meet the needs of your Credit Union.
The Credit Union Board of Directors and Management made this decision to introduce a more efficient and cost-effective system. We are excited VisiFI will have capabilities to provide services and products to our members that previously were not a feasible option due to cost or system limitations.
As a result of this conversion, you are receiving a statement with a closing date of January 31, 2025, with all dividends paid through this date from our previous data processing system. Share certificates will not be affected.
We sincerely hope this conversion is as seamless as possible, however you may notice some changes. Your dashboard data may have changed, such as suffix numbers to your account types and you may be prompted to reenter remote banking authentication information. Your online and mobile banking sign-on user identification and password will not change.
As you become familiar with these changes, please do not hesitate to contact the Credit Union with any questions or concerns you may have.
Clayton M. Steinberg
Woodmen Federal Credit Union
“Not for Profit, Not for Charity, But for Service.”
Credit Union News
Woodmen Federal Credit Union offers numerous financial services. Our current promotions and important notices can be found below. For assistance with any of these promotions stop in or call the Credit Union today.
Become a member and enjoy the benefits membership has to offer!
New Address, New Logo?
Woodmen Federal Credit Union will be moving in March, 2025. Our new location will be on the 1st level of Woodmen Park, in a portion of what was the fitness facility. The move will enable the Credit Union to be more accessible and visible to our members. Our new...
Woodmen Federal Credit Union’s Fall 125% Auto Financing Promotion may be over, but did you know the Credit Union offers 125% Auto Financing all year long? With a tiered APR, you may borrow 125% of the sticker price on new vehicles, or 125% of the J. D. Power NADA retail book value on pre-owned vehicles. The extra funds may be used to pay the tax and licensing or even provide some assistance while adjusting your monthly budget. 85% new vehicle financing and J. D. Power. NADA loan value financing on pre-owned vehicles are still available as well. Stop in or call the Credit Union for details.
Woodmen Federal Credit Union offers online loan tools and the right terms to help you find your new vehicle. The Credit Union finances new and preowned vehicle loans up to 84 months, depending on the model year of the vehicle. Financing your new vehicle for the maximum 84 months allows you to spread your payments out over the longer term and reduce the size of your monthly payment. J.D. Power vehicle value guides and loan payment calculators are available for your use on our web site. See us for details and see how the Credit Union is making your new auto loan more affordable.
Woodmen Federal Credit Union also offers GAP, Guaranteed Asset Protection. GAP will cover most deficiency balances between your insurance settlement and your Credit Union loan balance if your car were to be totaled in an accident or stolen. Ask in the Credit Union for details.
Did you know Woodmen Federal Credit Union offers mortgage loans? The Credit Union, in partnership with Pivot Lending Group, is here to assist you whether you are purchasing a new home or refinancing your existing home.
Considering a Home Equity Loan? Woodmen Federal Credit Union is offering 6.99% APR fixed rate home equity loans. Design your home office, consolidate debt, buy a new car, pay tuition, whatever! Plus, the interest may be tax deductible.
In addition to our fixed rate Home Equity Loan, the Credit Union offers a simple and convenient Home Equity Line of Credit. Once you have established your home equity credit line the paperwork is done. Future advances are simple and fast.
Our Risk Based Lending is designed to reward you with a lower Annual Percentage Rate on your loan application as determined by your credit bureau credit score and your credit relationship with the Credit Union. The better your credit bureau score the lower your rate!...
Our Mission
Woodmen Federal Credit Union will provide our members with professional, well-trained employees, a wide range of financial services, timely and convenient services, a fair return of savings, reasonably priced loans, a solid capital base, full information about the affairs of the Credit Union, and a Board of Directors committed to the members’ best interests.
Our Services
Woodmen Federal Credit Union is one of the ten oldest federally chartered credit unions in the United States. We are experts in the industry with over 100 years’ experience. What that means is you are going to get the right solution. Please find our services. We have built an enviable reputation.
As a qualified employee or family member within the Woodmen Tower you are an eligible member to join Woodmen Federal Credit Union
Loans & Leases
Woodmen Federal Credit Union offers a wide range of loans and leases at competitive rates to meet your lending needs.
Current Rates & Fees
View current rates and fees for auto and home equity loans from Woodmen Federal Credit Union.
Share Draft Accounts
Woodmen Federal Credit Union offers its members two share draft accounts with competitive dividend rates.
Savings Accounts
Woodmen Federal Credit Union offers its members many savings options including Share, IRA, CD’s and special accounts.
Woodmen Federal Credit Union is pleased to offer its members a low rate Visa® that costs less to get and costs you less to use.